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Soulful Journey: Momentum Starts Inside

My spiritual journey began as a kid when I was very young because my grandpa was agnostic and took me church hopping. We sat in the back row because he was always  looking for a feeling, and if he didn't "feel it" we would leave. He always told me, "God is not in the words of the book. God is in the people; it's a feeling inside."  I've taken that to mean the connection we are looking for has been inside all of us, all along.  We just have to slow down long enough to realize that  the Soulful Journey is really a journey back to self love; self acceptance.  Fortunately, there are many tools that can help us remember the co-creative power we have to live the best life we can, and that momentum starts inside with a simple willingness to do something different.


Your Journey

I've been teaching classes since 2006 in a live classroom setting, combining my years of personal life experience with the teachings from many masters and teachers I've had the opportunity to learn from. Now my team has helped me create an online library so I can share some of these lessons with you in articles. Create an account and access them for free.  My goal is to motivate, encourage, and share tools that have helped me rediscover loving myself and reconnect to my spiritual self. 


Over the years, Soulaire has used her experiences with “G” and what she’s learned from him to help many other people find passion, joy, and love. In this book, she has organized “G’s” core teachings under the acronym BEING, which stands for Birthright, Energy, Intention, Now, and God-Realization.